{{user.data.myOrg[0].description}} Dashboard

Welcome to eCashBook Dashboard.

Transactions Overview

In last 10 days transactions. Detailed Stats

{{alltrans.data.thisMonth[0].trans_count.toNumber().formatNumber(2, '.', ',')}} TTD
Last month {{alltrans.data.lastMonth[0].trans_count.toNumber().formatNumber(2, '.', ',')}} TTD
Transaction Value
{{alltrans.data.thisMonth[0].sales.toNumber()}} TRANS
Last month {{alltrans.data.lastMonth[0].sale.toNumber()}} TRANS
Transaction Count
Action Center
Current Month Transactions

Total count of transactions is {{alltrans.data.thisMonth[0].sales}} with a value of {{alltrans.data.thisMonth[0].trans_count.toNumber().formatCurrency('$', '.', ',', 2)}}.

Support Messages

Here is 0 new support message.

Ministry Sales Activities History
TTD Amount
{{trans_total.toNumber().formatCurrency('$', '.', ',', 2)}} TTD
Top Services

List of the top 5 Services by Sales and Transaction Count.

User Activities

Current listing of Users

{{alltrans.data.allUsers[0].all_users}} Total Users
{{alltrans.data.active_users[0].all_users}} Active Users